Thursday 20 October 2011

CopWatch Winnipeg Manitoba lecture at the Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse"

Winnipeg, Manitoba lecture and workshop in what you can do to stop Police Abuse and Brutality in our communities. I thank both lectures from Copwatch for taking the time to come down to let us know our rights in documenting and videoing police who are abusing our community members and what we can do to change things in our community against Police Abuse and Brutality.

meegwich (thank you) CopWatch, your support and lecture to us have helped so much.

Monday 19 September 2011

Intro at Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse"

Diane McLeod, local activist in Kenora against Police Abuse is doing the Intro and, why she is fighting against police abuse. Additionally people and my family have been harassed by police with scare tactics and intimidation. While at the gathering we were blasted by sirens, Policeman, Sargent Wiebe came uninvited to the gathering and mentioned we could make our complaints to the Police detachment, and Diane McLeod said, "I already did." Then asked Diane to go aside from the others to issue a statement, but she declined and walked away. Also while at the gathering a white Ford Truck drove 20 feet near the people attending and pointed fingers and laughed at the attendees. We all ignored them and continued with our presentations and gathering against "Police Abuse." The two men in the truck left. Please watch the videos 1 and 2 for uncut version of the Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse" on Anishinabe scared land at Anishinabe Park in Kenora, Ontario. I thank the people who attended and who supported the cause and understand  that people were worried and scared to come out, but our fight is not over. There are so many others than myself and my family and our community who have been beaten, coerced, and frightened  into not complaining against the police who have abused them. I, Diane McLeod is starting this stand against Police Abuse and will continue to do it in the court system and hope you will come out and support the cause in the future!

Friday 22 July 2011

Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse" Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: “Abuse is Abuse” no matter what color you wear


July 22, 2011 – Kenora, ON

“Abuse is Abuse” no matter what color you wear

The Nonviolent Gathering “Stop Police Abuse” at Anishinabe Park, Kenora, Ontario – July 31st, 4 – 7 p.m. will provide people with a Sharing and Healing Circle in telling “their stories of police abuse.” The Opening Ceremony and prayers will be done by Elder, Nancy Morrison. There will be special guest speakers.

Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse” is a way for me to get involved in human rights issues, said local activist Diane McLeod. “We all support the great work that these volunteers are doing - and the donation from Chief and Council at Northwest Angle #37 is making sure this day will happen."

The event goes beyond “talking out” about police abuses - too “sharing” and “healing” and knowing you are supported by others who have been abused by the policing system. “It humanizes – against a very coercive and dehumanizing process.” This is for all people who come into contact with their policing systems that are abused, brutalized, or killed by it.

It is very important to ask, “Why police abuses are still happening here,” while understanding other important justice issues: “for equal justice under the law” and “restoring public’s trust” by making the police accountable for their actions.

Looking at the G20 police brutality against the nonviolent protesters in Toronto have made it all to clear how much power the Canadian Government and policing systems have in Canada against all Canadians... “It is very scary,” and asking, “How can we make things change here in Kenora,” makes us realize we are not alone in our fight against police abuse.

For more information contact Diane McLeod at│Tel: (807) 407-7822

Thursday 7 July 2011

Stop Police Abuse!

As special speakers confirm, I will be putting them up on the poster.