Diane McLeod, local activist in Kenora against Police Abuse is doing the Intro and, why she is fighting against police abuse. Additionally people and my family have been harassed by police with scare tactics and intimidation. While at the gathering we were blasted by sirens, Policeman, Sargent Wiebe came uninvited to the gathering and mentioned we could make our complaints to the Police detachment, and Diane McLeod said, "I already did." Then asked Diane to go aside from the others to issue a statement, but she declined and walked away. Also while at the gathering a white Ford Truck drove 20 feet near the people attending and pointed fingers and laughed at the attendees. We all ignored them and continued with our presentations and gathering against "Police Abuse." The two men in the truck left. Please watch the videos 1 and 2 for uncut version of the Nonviolent Gathering "Stop Police Abuse" on Anishinabe scared land at Anishinabe Park in Kenora, Ontario. I thank the people who attended and who supported the cause and understand that people were worried and scared to come out, but our fight is not over. There are so many others than myself and my family and our community who have been beaten, coerced, and frightened into not complaining against the police who have abused them. I, Diane McLeod is starting this stand against Police Abuse and will continue to do it in the court system and hope you will come out and support the cause in the future!
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